The Roleplaying Rats take on horror in this one of a kind adventure titled The Language of Flowers! Poppy has gone missing and it’s up to Clarence and Paul to find out what has happened all while dealing with a distraught parent, weird crystals, crossing streets and interesting marble statues!
[S1:E04] Savage Rifts - Intrigue central with a boom!
The party finds their way to the gates of Pryde’s Star at the center of Pryde’s Shield barony. An exuberant time for them and the group traveling with them. Shortly after arriving they find that the glistening, rich, vibrant city has its own set of problems below the surface. Duhn duhn duuuuuuhn!!!!
Exhilarated after last session’s fight, the party picks up the pieces of people and materials then continue on to the ruins they’ve been moving toward. Finding it to be a small town rather than ruins they meet the locals, tie up their horses and get everything scoped out with the idea that tomorrow will be the day they make Pride’s Shield. This time on Roleplaying Rats actual play in the Rifts setting using the Savage Worlds rule set!!!
[S1:E02] Savage Rifts - Good times with a party splitting ambush!
Our party of intrepid heroes cements the band of traveler’s resolve to make it up the mountain after last session’s wormy conclusion. But what is this?! Is it a booby trap? A wild animal? No! It’s a rather cunning ambush!!! How will our party deal with these ruffians and will they split the party? Find out this time on Roleplaying Rats actual play in the Rifts setting using the Savage Worlds ruleset!!!
[S1:E01] Savage Rifts - Worms and aces and Steven oh my!
The party of wayward adventurers consisting of Slash, Graham and Tyler begins their trek to find out what exactly Pride’s Game is. While traveling they join a a caravan and help make sure everyone is safe by battling something with a really, really big mouth!